Mastering IT Service: 7 KPIS You Can’t Ignore

Mastering IT Service: 7 KPIS You Can’t Ignore

In the realm of IT service management, understanding and optimizing key performance indicators (KPIs) is not just beneficial—it's essential. These metrics serve as the compass that guides IT operations, aligning them with the broader business objectives. From enhancing user satisfaction to streamlining service delivery, this article unveils the top seven KPIs that are critical for any IT service management leader who aims to achieve peak performance in their operations.

1. Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

Customer satisfaction is paramount in IT service management. It reflects how well services meet user needs and expectations, influencing customer loyalty and retention. Achieving high customer satisfaction often requires enhancements in service interactions, particularly in first-contact resolution rates.

2. Average First Response Time (AFRT)

This KPI measures the responsiveness of the IT service desk, with a lower average time indicating a more efficient initial response. Quick responses can significantly boost user satisfaction.

3. Average Resolution Time (ART)

ART tracks the time it takes to fully resolve issues. A swift resolution enhances user productivity and satisfaction, highlighting the effectiveness of the ITSM processes.

4. Average First Assign Time (AFAT)

AFAT assesses the efficiency from ticket creation to its first assignment. Faster assignment speeds can lead to quicker resolutions and minimized downtime.

5. First Contact Resolution (FCR)

The percentage of tickets resolved during the first interaction, FCR, is a crucial metric for operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. A high FCR indicates that fewer resources are needed for follow-ups, enhancing overall service delivery.

6. Resolution and Response SLA Rates

These metrics evaluate the percentage of issues resolved or responded to within the agreed service-level agreements (SLAs). High compliance rates are vital for maintaining trust and reliability in service management.

7. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS measures the likelihood of users recommending the IT services to others, serving as a gauge of overall service satisfaction and customer loyalty.

Additional Metrics for Comprehensive Insights

  • Cost Per Ticket: Understanding the cost involved per ticket helps manage and optimize financial resources without compromising service quality​.
  • Technician Utilization: This metric gauges the efficiency of support staff usage, balancing workload and preventing burnout, which can lead to higher operational costs and lower service quality..
  • SLA Breach Rate: Monitoring SLA breaches is essential for identifying service gaps and areas needing improvement to meet contractual commitments​.
  • IT Spend on Cloud: For organizations focusing on digital transformation, tracking cloud expenses against on-premises IT costs can guide strategic IT investments and cloud adoption initiatives​.


Focusing on these KPIs allows ITSM leaders to effectively align IT operations with business objectives, continuously meeting user needs and organizational goals. Regular monitoring and optimization of these metrics pave the way for improved service delivery and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Looking to transform your IT service management with actionable insights?  Book a Free Consultation with Polar Strategy today and discover how our expert guidance can streamline your IT operations and elevate your service delivery.

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